In this post, I will write about Tourette syndrome: what the definition of Tourette is and the aspects of it, the different symptoms, and what it is like to deal with the Tourette as a person with Tourette.
First of all, Tourette Syndrome defined as “a problem with the nervous system that causes people to make sudden movements or sounds, called tics, which they can't control.” It means a lot of aspects of uncontrolled movement which include all parts of your body. It doesn't always affect a specific part of your body, and it could affect one part, or in complex cases, a couple of parts of your body.
There is also coprolalia, which is "the involuntary outburst of obscene words or socially inappropriate and derogatory remarks." I must mention that coprolalia is pretty rare and you don't often see it in people with Tourette, but it's part of the Tourette, and unfortunately, this is what you see in most of the movies that deal with Tourette.
Most of the people have the involuntary movement and actions that they need to perform and if they don't perform the actions, the thinking of it will always become more annoying. You will stop thinking of it only after you perform the action or the movement.
Also, there is a connection to ADHD, according to the doctors and medical documents. ADHD is "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" which is expressed in having trouble sitting, learning disabilities and anxiety. People with this disorder have trouble sitting in a specific place and always have the urge to move as they feel unsettled. Also, their attention is distracted very easily, and they have a problem of keeping their focus on one thing or operation.
Also, Tourette has large aspects of OCD which is a ceremony of doing specific movements in a specific fashion. It's a series of movements and actions that you perform. If you don't do it, it won’t let you rest. You have the urge to do it, and it's like a mosquito bite that itches until you scratch it. The OCD is part of the Tourette. I usually need to go to the side to do it and summon the strength to deal with it. It’s very frustrating.
A lot of people, when they see it, think that is Epilepsy, and they treat it accordingly, which is the wrong thing to do. Epilepsy and Tourette are in the same family, and both of them are caused by the dopamine that affects the nervous system’s multifunction operation. In Tourette, there is too much of it, and in Epilepsy there is not enough. Even though they are similar, the treatment is different, so you need to check with the person before you do something. It is easy to get confused, but it’s important to get it right.
Therefore, everyone copes with it differently and each person carries a different baggage. You can never know what a person with Tourette feels. A lot of times, the prejudice surrounding Tourette affects how society thinks about people with Tourette, and this affects how they deal with it.