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consensus and the Tourette

Writer: Edan LloydEdan Lloyd

Updated: Apr 19, 2024

In this post, I want to talk about consensus and the Tourette. About how I see it and my experience with it during the years.

There is a lot a prejudice about people with Tourette and what they can do in all of the social frameworks in our society: from the army and into their integration into society and the work cycle. In my opinion this is wrong and discriminates against this part of the community.

All my life I have seen this prejudice and have had to fight against it to achieve my goals, and I had to be strong in order not to break. I must admit that I have had moments where I felt that I had enough and wanted to give up but I found my strength in my family and friends to get up and continue the fight.

The fight started at the end of high school when I had to go to the army, and they didn't enlist me. They argued that they were afraid that people will laugh at me and will pick on me because of the Tourette but in reality, it was the opposite. Not only do they respect me, but I finished ten years in the army. I also had an interview with channel two and an article in channel one during my service in the military, and I think that in the end the army only benefited by that. I believe that the system in the army needs to be more flexible and not be afraid of letting people with disabilities into the military. I think that now they are more willing to accept people with disabilities, but there is still more road to go through.

The fight continued after I was released from the military and I tried to get into the working cycle. I was in a lot of working interviews, but none of them was successful. Every time they said that they will get back to me, but they didn't fulfill their promise. I believe that mostly it was because of the Tourette and that working places are still afraid of hiring people with Tourette. Working places don't want to deal with people with Tourette and are scared of this.

Now I work in great working places with amazing people and have amazing bosses. I have incredible support and I go every day to work with joy. I don't take it as obvious, and I am grateful for this. I have the support that I need to maximize my potential and I feel an uplifting feeling of pride.

I had to gather a lot of mental powers to overcome all of the obstacles and to fight all of the consensus during my life. I believe that I will still find barriers and obstacles, but now I have the mental powers to overcome them.

I think that society should abandon most of the consensuses that they have about people with Tourette. They should let go of their fears of dealing with people with Tourette in the military and working places. All these consensuses only degrade and discriminate against people with Tourette.If we want to consider our society as an enlightened one, we should start acting like one.


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